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︎ Vegetables are growing to the highest standards we know for production veg farming
︎ We never use chemicals, pesticides, fungicides or other commercial sprays on our farm
︎ We are human scale
︎ We farm no-till on permanent beds, meaning that we don’t invert the soil. This helps us keep the living ecosystems of soil life intact between plantings
︎ We make our own compost on site from spent mushroom blocks and manure
︎ Our vegetables are not certified organic, but we follow all organic practices and go beyond the USDA Organic certification standards to grow even cleaner and more sustainably. Right now, the cost of getting certified is too great at the tiny scale we’re growing at
︎ We farm on leased land in the Village of Chatham, which occupies the ancentral homelands of the Mohican Nation and Haudenosaunee

We are in our seedling stage -- building up infastructure and capacities. We are very much interested in collaborations, supporting other QTBIPOC farmers in their farming journey, and long term interested in becoming a collaborative cooperative farm.  

Art and graphics by Pang Ink
Logo by Isabel Avina
Pictures courtesy of Dylan Garcia and Gentle Time Farm
2024 Gentle Time Farm LLC
Old Chatham, NY

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This project is grounded in mutual aid. We take responsibility for caring for one another within our political context. We desire to become part of existing care networks and to form new ones.